@inproceedings{prange-etal-2019-ucoref, title = "Semantically Constrained Multilayer Annotation: The Case of Coreference", author = "Prange, Jakob and Schneider, Nathan and Abend, Omri", booktitle = "Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Designing Meaning Representations", month = aug, year = "2019", address = "Florence, Italy", publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics", url = "https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/W19-3319", doi = "10.18653/v1/W19-3319", pages = "164--176", abstract = "We propose a coreference annotation scheme as a layer on top of the Universal Conceptual Cognitive Annotation foundational layer, treating units in predicate-argument structure as a basis for entity and event mentions. We argue that this allows coreference annotators to sidestep some of the challenges faced in other schemes, which do not enforce consistency with predicate-argument structure and vary widely in what kinds of mentions they annotate and how. The proposed approach is examined with a pilot annotation study and compared with annotations from other schemes.", }